Zum Gali Gali Rubber Stamps PO Box 610187, Newton Highlands MA 02461 Phone: (617) 965-1268 E-mail: Hey, print this page, fill it out, and mail it with your check. We'll get your stamps in the mail pronto. To: Zum Gali Gali Rubber Stamps PO Box 610187 Newton Highlands, MA 02461 Ship to - Name:__________________________________ Street:________________________________ City:____________________ Zip: ________ Phone or e-mail:_______________________ Unmounteds: check the "U" column and enter half the regular price --------------------------------------------------------------- Item No | Description |Quantity| U | Price | Total --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Total | Price codes: -------- C $4.50 MA residents add 6.25% sales tax | D $5.00 -------- E $5.50 USA Shipping: | 4.00 F $6.00 -------- G $6.50 Amount enclosed | H $7.00 -------- J $7.50 K $8.00 L $8.50 If paying by credit card: card number _______________________ expiration date _______________ CVV number* ______ Signature ___________________ Billing Zip** _______ * 3 digits printed on the back of the card next to the last 4 digits of the credit card # ** If different from shipping address zip code Home | Back to Ordering Info Last updated August 24, 2022