
Zum Gali Gali Rubber Stamps

PO Box 610187, Newton Highlands MA 02461

Phone: (617) 965-1268


We are currently not set up to enable you to order directly from this website.

We accept PayPal as well as Discover, Visa, American Express, and MasterCard credit cards when you arrange payment.

The easiest way to order is to telephone (617) 965-1268 and we can take your order, credit card information, and shipping address over the phone. This way we can check stamp availability and give you an estimate of delivery date at the time you order.

Of course you may print out the order form and mail it with payment via snail mail as people did decades ago.

We check email frequently. Another option is to email your stamp selection to us and we will reply by telephone or email to arrange payment. We discourage emailing credit card information, but we will be happy to send an invoice for PayPal payment.

Our prices are coded by the last letter of the catalog number, as follows:
BB $3.50 F $6.00
B $4.00 G $6.50
C $4.50 H $7.00
D $5.00 J $7.50
E $5.50 K $8.00
    L $8.50

Shipping of retail orders is a flat $4.00 per order (except for nonprofit organizations; see below) within the United States. We ship via U.S. Postal Service, first class or priority mail.

For orders outside the U.S., please see our international shipping policy.

We do sell wholesale. Please click here for wholesale information.

Nonprofit organizations, please click here for discount information.

We don’t sell customer names, addresses, phone numbers, nor e-mail addresses, and of course we’re careful not to reveal credit card numbers. Our order form asks for a phone number or e-mail address so we can get in touch with you quickly if there is any problem with your order (for instance, once in a while we get an order that’s hard to read or where the item number doesn’t match the description).

Official PayPal Seal